You Got Braces, Now What?


Superheroes & Superwomen! 

So, you now have a mouthful of braces. Congratulations as you have finally got the powers to look cool! Let’s explore the world of braces and see what fun awaits you there –

Brushing Kit

Young Superstars, pay attention! The superhero home care kit you’ve been waiting for to make your braces shine like a supernova is now here. A toothbrush, floss, floss threaders, a proxy brush (the hidden weapon), wax (not for eating), a food list (no bad guys allowed), and a hygiene instruction card (your superhero cheat sheet) should all be inside this kit. Now that you have all your weapons and the secret to winning this mission, let’s learn how to use them all.

Brushing Technique

[Insert Image] Brushing your teeth while wearing braces is like throwing a wonderful cleaning dance party for your teeth. Hit three different spots with a circular motion with your toothbrush. Begin at the top of the braces, work your way down to the bottom, and then take on the front. At least 30 seconds should be spent in each position. It’s like a toothbrush tango! Also, always gently brush your gum line to prevent swollen gum tantrums.

Flossing Technique

Flossing while wearing braces is a real superhuman task. A floss threader, your dependable ally, is required. It should be threaded beneath the archwire like spies on a mission. Hugging each one tightly, sneak between your teeth. After removing the floss, proceed to the following tooth. The battle to expel the plaque invaders is like a covert operation!

In Case of an Accident

Even the strongest among us have accidents. Do not be alarmed if a bracket, band, or wire breaks! Bring the fractured pieces to your orthodontist while keeping them in a secure place. But call and make an appointment so you can be seen promptly. and get you back in action.

Foods to Avoid and Eat

Let’s now discuss the “no-no” foods…
  • Keep your braces away from crunchy foods like nuts and pretzels
  • Really sticky foods like caramel and taffy
  • And hard candies
But wait! You can continue to eat your favorite fruits and vegetables. Simply cut them into bite-sized pieces as though you were preparing a fine superhero feast!

Say Bye to Pain

Ouch! Get ready for some advice on how to relieve pain:
  • Gargle a salty superhero potion (2 tbsp salt + warm water) for 30 seconds. Spit out up, don’t swallow!
  • Place orthodontic wax over the uncomfortable areas after softening it between your fingers. It acts as a sort of shield.
  • Apply an ice pack or cold compress on your cheek to relieve discomfort and reduce swelling. It’s all ice!
  • Give your teeth a vacation from difficult things. Take pleasure in the gentle joys of soups, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies. Yum!
  • Brush gently, and give your teeth some loving care. Gently brush those beautiful whites in circular motions with a toothbrush with soft bristles.
  • A call to your orthodontist should be made if the discomfort persists or becomes severe. They are real advocates of smiles and can provide tailored assistance.
And just like that, you’re ready to take on the world with your flashy braces. Keep in mind to use caution, be thorough, and have fun! Contact your orthodontist, the real force behind your smile, if you have any inquiries or require assistance. Keep shining, keep smiling, and keep being the amazing superhero you are!
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